====== How to do HTTP basic auth through a reverse proxy ? ====== On the back-end apache server, enable a basic auth in your apache server: AuthUserFile /out/of/web/space/htpasswd AuthGroupFile /dev/null AuthName "Identify" AuthType Basic require valid-user Then create your ''/out/of/web/space/htpasswd'' file: htpasswd -c /out/of/web/space/htpasswd back-end_login Then on the reverse proxy, you can force a basic auth HTTP authentication just by adding a specific header (you need ''mod_headers''): RequestHeader set Authorization "Basic XXXXX" XXXXX can be calculated this way using a simple shell command: echo -n "back-end_login:back-end_password" | base64 Then when accessing the proxyfied server the client will not have to authenticate because the reverse proxy will do it itself. {{tag>article computing reverse-proxy apache http authentication}} ~~DISCUSSION~~